11 Super Healthy Foods Packed with Probiotics

Healthy Foods
Category: Food industry
Posted By: Devi

Probiotics are basically live microorganisms, offering a plethora of amazing health benefits. These are generally friendly bacteria that offer a multitude of benefits for the brain and body. You can of course get your dose of probiotics from supplements; but what if you can get it naturally from simple fermented foods?

Here are some of the most essential probiotic foods you probably did not know about.

Top Natural Probiotic Foods

  1. Yogurt

One of the most common probiotic foods is yogurt, which is prepared from milk fermented by good bacteria, like bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria. Having yogurt regularly can help in improving bone health and keeping away high blood pressure. Yogurt can also help in relieving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

  1. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is basically shredded cabbage fermented by lactic acid bacteria. This ancient delicacy is very popular in European countries. It has a salty, sour taste and is served as a side dish. Sauerkraut has a high content of fiber, sodium, manganese, iron, and Vitamin C, B, and K. Rich in antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, it is good for eye health.

  1. Kimchi

With cabbage being the primary ingredient, Kimchi is a spicy fermented Korean dish. Seasoned with garlic, ginger, salt, red chili flakes, and scallion, Kimchi has a rich content of iron, and vitamin B2 and K. Containing the lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus kimchi, it may be good for digestive health.

  1. Pickles

Fermented in a solution of water and salt using lactic acid bacteria, pickles are a commendable source of probiotic bacteria, which helps in promoting digestion. Pickles have fewer calories and are rich in sodium and vitamin K.

  1. Cheese

Cheese prepared by active cultures contains probiotics. Cottage cheese, Gouda, cheddar, and mozzarella are extremely nutritious cheese with a high content of protein. These cheeses are also a good source of selenium, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin B12.

  1. Buttermilk

Traditional buttermilk is prepared from the liquid leftover from making butter. A rich source of probiotics, it is primarily taken in India, Pakistan, and Nepal.

  1. Miso

The Japanese seasoning Miso is prepared when soybean is fermented with salt and the koji fungus. Generally salty, Miso can be found in umpteen varieties like brown, red, white, and yellow. It has a high content of fiber, protein, vitamins, copper, manganese, and minerals.

  1. Natto

A fermented soy product, Natto contains the bacterial strain, Bacillus subtilis. A Japanese staple, Natto is also served with rice and breakfast. Having a slimy texture and unique aroma, Natto has a rich content of vitamin K2 and protein.

  1. Kombucha

Kombucha is basically fermented green or black tea, primarily popular in Asia. One of the best probiotic foods, it is fermented by friendly bacteria and yeast and has a number of health benefits.

  1. Temp

A fermented soy product, Tempeh has an earthy, nutty flavor. Native to Indonesia, it acts as a substitute for high-protein meat. Tempeh contains a high amount of Vitamin B12, which is primarily found in animal products. This makes it an excellent food for vegetarians.

  1. Kefir

Prepared by mixing kefir grains with milk, kefir is a fermented probiotic drink. Kefir grains are basically cultures of yeast and lactic acid bacteria. Containing multiple strains of good bacteria, it serves as a potent probiotic. Kefir helps in promoting bone health and preventing infections.

The Final Words

Probiotics are important for the body as they help in promoting a number of essential functions. Having said that, you can get your daily dose of natural probiotics from a multitude of fermented food items.


The above statements are not intended to cure any disease or comply with any health benefits. This is solely for information purposes. Please consult your doctor/health practitioner before consumption of the product. Although we take efforts to keep our website informative, we do not guarantee any medical benefits.

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