Potassium Citrate Powder

Potassium Citrate Powder

SKU#: GJ6586
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Product Description

  • Product Type:
    Raw Material/Extract
  • Product Category:
    Dietary Ingredients
  • Product Sub Category:
    Food Ingredients and Chemicals
  • Product Mix Category:
    Conventional Other
  • Package Type:
Product Data

Main Producing Countries

China, Germany, India, Japan and United States

Product Use

Production & Sourcing

Potassium citrate is a potassium salt of citric acid commonly used as a dietary supplement and food additive. The production of potassium citrate begins with sourcing high-quality citric acid, which can be obtained from citrus fruits, and potassium hydroxide, which is derived from natural mineral sources. In the production process, citric acid is reacted with potassium hydroxide under controlled conditions, resulting in the formation of potassium citrate. The resulting mixture is then purified to remove any impurities, involving steps such as filtration and drying to obtain pure potassium citrate in the form of a white crystalline powder.

Harvest Time

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