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Product Description

Botanical Name: Amorphophallus konjac
Plant Part Used: Tuber
Processing Method: Drying, grinding

It belongs to the family Araceae. It is native to China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. Konjac tuber is rich in glucomannan, and dietary fiber that acts as a prebiotic that supports the growth of the beneficial probiotics present in our gut. Konjac is good for the skin and gut and have also many other health benefits. It is widely used in cosmetic and dietary supplements.

  • Product Type:
    Raw Material/Extract
  • Product Category:
  • Product Sub Category:
  • Product Mix Category:
    Organic RM powders
  • Package Type:
Product Data

Main Producing Countries

China, Indonesia, Japan and South Korea

Product Use

Production & Sourcing

Konjac, also known as Amorphophallus konjac, is a plant that is native to East and Southeast Asia. It is grown in countries like Japan, China, Korea, and Indonesia. The plant is also widely cultivated in other parts of the world, including Europe, North America, and Australia.

The konjac plant grows in rich, well-drained soil and requires warm temperatures and sufficient rainfall. The plant itself consists of a large tuber, which is the part that is used for consumption. This tuber is rich in a dietary fiber called glucomannan.

The process of producing konjac products starts with harvesting the tubers from the plant. The tubers are then washed and cut into small pieces before being dried under the sun or in a drying machine. Once dried, the konjac pieces are ground into a fine powder.

Harvest Time

Note: Information contained herein is believed to be accurate and is offered in good faith for the benefit of the customer: Green Jeeva, LLC., however does not assume any liability or risk involved in the use of its products since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Nothing contained herein shall constitute an express or implied guarantee or warranty with respect to Green Jeeva, LLC’s or their use.

The plant part used is tubers.

Konjac belongs to the family of Araceae, tuber is a root vegetable that & also known as a starchy corm, a tube-like part that grows underground.

Konjac powder is an edible corm powder. It is about 40% glucomannan – a water-soluble dietary fiber with many health benefits.

Konjac is native to China. It is also grown in various parts of the world including East Asia (Korea, Taiwan, Japan) and Southeast Asia for its large starchy corms with many health benefits.

We accept products that do not contain any pathogens. We get our products tested in globally certified labs for microbial counts, the presence of e.coli & salmonella, yeast & molds, etc. We accept products that are within prescribed limits of microbial content per various regulatory bodies.

Konjac powder is a more concentrated source of fiber and is extremely low in calories and carbohydrates. Thus, it is better than any other soluble fiber.

The dried corm of the konjac plant contains around 40% glucomannan gum. It makes konjac jelly highly viscous and may be responsible for many of its putative health benefits as used in traditional Chinese medicine, detoxification, blood stasis alleviation, and phlegm liquefaction as well.

GMO substances may pose challenging risks to food safety. We do not accept organic konjac powder from the farms and facilities where GMO crops are grown and processed.

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Biological source: Amorphophallus konjac
Shelf Life: 36months
Plant part used: Tuber
Country Of Origin: China
Items Specification Test Methods
Physical Analysis
Description Powder Organoleptic
Color Off white Organoleptic
Odor Characteristic Organoleptic
Taste Characteristic Organoleptic
Mesh size NLT 95% THRU 80 MESH USP<786>
Loss on drying NMT 10.0% w/w USP<731>
Bulk Density 30-70 g/100ml USP<616>
Total Heavy Metals NMT 10 ppm USP<231>
Lead NMT 2 ppm USP<232>
Arsenic NMT 2 ppm USP<232>
Mercury NMT 1 ppm USP<232>
Cadmium NMT 1 ppm USP<232>
Microbiology Test
Total Plate Count NMT 100,000 cfu/g USP<61>
Yeast & Mold NMT 1000 cfu/g USP<61>
E. Coli Absent USP<62>
Salmonella Absent USP<62>
Staphylococcus aureus Absent USP<62>

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Common Name

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