Organic Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf Powder

Organic Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf Powder

SKU#: GJ37
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Product Description

Botanical Name: Gymnema sylvestre
Plant Part Used: Leaves
Processing Method: Drying/Grinding

Gymnema Sylvestre is a climbing shrub native to tropical forests of India, Australia, and Africa. It goes by the name gurmur, mesbasringi, Gurmarbooti, etc. in different countries. Gymnema Sylvestre contains gymnemic acid as a primary active ingredient useful for the human body. Ayurveda uses its leaves to prepare medicines for thousands of years for many ailments like blood sugar regulation.

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Product Data

Main Producing Countries

Australia, China and Sri Lanka

Product Use

Production & Sourcing

Gymnema sylvestre, commonly known as Gymnema, is a perennial climbing plant native to India, Africa, and Australia. Traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine, it is now commercially cultivated in India, China, and Australia for its medicinal leaves.
Ideal conditions for Gymnema cultivation include a warm, humid climate with abundant rainfall, and well-drained sandy loam soil with a pH of 4.5 to 7.5. The plant thrives in full sun. Cultivation involves regular watering, weeding, and fertilization.
Gymnema reaches maturity in 3 to 4 years. Leaves are hand-picked and dried to preserve active compounds. They are then sorted, cleaned, and processed into powder, capsules, and extracts. Strict quality control measures ensure the purity and quality of the final product.

Harvest Time

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No result found

Gudmar, Gymnema.

Common Name

Gudmar, Gymnema.


Gudamari, Madhunasini, Merasingi, Miracle Plant, Shardunika, Gurmarbooti, Vishani.

Biological Source

'Detail not available'



Parts Used

Major components

Gymnema sylvestre leaves contain triterpene saponins belonging to oleanane and dammarene classes. Oleanane saponins are gymnemic acids and gymnemasaponins, whereas, dammarene saponins are gymnemasides. The leaves yield acidic glycosides and anthroquinones

Other constituents

Other constituents are flavones, anthraquinones, hentri-acontane, pentatriacontane, α and β-chlorophylls, phytin, resins, d-quercitol, tartaric acid, formic acid, butyric acid, lupeol, β-amyrin related glycosides and stigmasterol [1].

Health categories

Anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory.


Gymnema sylvestre consists of the dried mature leaves of Gymnema sylvestre. It contains not less than 1.0 per cent w/w of gymnemic acids as calculated on dried basis. Color is greenish-yellow, surface pubescent on both sides and odour is characteristic with extremely bitter and acrid taste [2].

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