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Graviola Powder is derived from the fruit of the Graviola tree (Annona muricata), also known as soursop. The powder is made by drying and grinding the fruit into a fine, greenish-brown powder. Graviola Powder is commonly used in various culinary applications and can be incorporated into smoothies, juices, and desserts. It has a unique, tropical flavor that adds a distinctive taste to recipes. The powder’s fine consistency allows it to blend smoothly into liquids and other ingredients. With a long shelf life, Graviola Powder is a convenient ingredient for both sweet and savory dishes, enhancing their flavor and texture.
Main Producing Countries |
Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Mexico and Peru
Graviola, also known as soursop or guanabana, is a tropical fruit native to South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean islands. It is also grown in parts of Southeast Asia and Africa. The fruit is harvested from a tree of the Annonaceae family, which is typically 5 to 10 meters tall and can produce up to 50 pounds of fruit per year. Graviola trees grow best in warm, humid climates with well-drained soil.
The fruit is oval-shaped, with a green, spiny exterior and a white, juicy flesh inside. It is typically harvested when fully ripe, which is indicated by its softness. Graviola can be grown organically, without the use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers, making it a popular choice for those seeking natural and sustainable food sources.
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