Cardamom Powder

Cardamom Powder

SKU#: GJ5520
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Product Description

Cardamom Powder

  • Product Type:
    Raw Material/Extract
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Product Data

Main Producing Countries

Guatemala, India and Sri Lanka

Product Use

Production & Sourcing

Cardamom often referred to as the "queen of spices," is primarily cultivated in tropical regions such as India, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, and Tanzania. The production of cardamom begins with planting cardamom seeds or rhizomes in well-drained, loamy soil rich in organic matter. Cardamom plants thrive under the canopy of tropical rainforests, requiring a humid climate with consistent rainfall and partial shade. Farmers often cultivate cardamom in agroforestry systems, integrating it with other crops to promote biodiversity and soil health.
Harvesting cardamom is a labor-intensive process, typically done by hand. The plants begin to produce fruit two to three years after planting. The cardamom pods are harvested before they are fully ripe to ensure the best flavor and quality. This involves carefully picking the pods from the base of the plant. Harvesting occurs multiple times throughout the year as the pods do not mature simultaneously, making it a continuous process.
After harvesting, the cardamom pods are cleaned to remove any dirt or debris. They are then dried either in the sun or using specialized drying equipment to reduce moisture content and preserve the essential oils that give cardamom its distinctive aroma and flavor. Once dried, the pods are sorted and graded based on size, color, and quality before being packaged for sale.

Harvest Time

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