Soap Nut Extract Powder 20% Saponin, Gravimetry

Soap Nut Extract Powder 20% Saponin, Gravimetry

SKU#: GJ10228
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Product Description

  • Product Type:
    Raw Material/Extract
  • Product Category:
  • Product Sub Category:
  • Product Mix Category:
    Organic RM powders
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Product Data

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Product Use

Production & Sourcing




Use In Manufacturing

Harvest Time

Note: Information contained herein is believed to be accurate and is offered in good faith for the benefit of the customer: Green Jeeva, LLC., however does not assume any liability or risk involved in the use of its products since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Nothing contained herein shall constitute an express or implied guarantee or warranty with respect to Green Jeeva, LLC’s or their use.

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Biological source: Sapindus mukorossi
Shelf Life: 36months
Plant part used: Nuts
Country Of Origin: India
Items Specification Test Methods
Physical Analysis
Description Powder Organoleptic
Color Brown Organoleptic
Odor Characteristic Organoleptic
Taste Characteristic Organoleptic
Mesh size 100% passes through #40 mesh USP<786>
Loss on drying NMT 6.0% w/w USP<731>
Total ash NMT 20.0% w/w USP<561>
Tapped bulk density Between 0.40 g/ml and 0.80 g/ml USP<616>
Identification To comply with standard USP
Water soluble (1% w/v solution in water) NLT 80.0% w/w USP
Assay - Content of Saponins NLT 20.0% w/w on dry basis Gravimetric
Residual solvents To comply as per USP USP
Residual pesticides To comply as per USP USP
Total Heavy Metals NMT 10 ppm USP<231>
Lead NMT 0.5 ppm USP<232>
Arsenic NMT 1 ppm USP<232>
Mercury NMT 0.5 ppm USP<232>
Cadmium NMT 0.5 ppm USP<232>
Microbiology Test
Total Plate Count NMT 5000 cfu/g USP<61>
Yeast & Mold NMT 200 cfu/g USP<61>
E. Coli Negative/10g USP<62>
Salmonella Negative/10g USP<62>
Staphylococcus aureus Negative/10g USP<62>
Pseudomonas aeruginos Negative/10g USP<62>

Common Name


Biological Source

'Detail not available'


Parts Used

Major components

Other constituents

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